Cloud Data Protection – Advanced SPAM Filter
The best protection against all threats is a layered defense, commonly called Defense-in-Depth.
As we all know, Office 365 is the most popular cloud application and, therefore the most targeted by cybercriminals. Email is the #1 attack vector and the gateway of choice for hackers to penetrate your network.
Office 365 has some built-in security features but also has some weaknesses. Obsessed with uptime, sales, compliance, the overall security of their systems, etc., Microsoft simply cannot address all threats to user applications as well. This is where a Defense-in-Depth strategy allows individual companies to strengthen and augment the native security features of Office 365 and protect the enormous amounts of data stored in Office 365 applications.
XSolutions’ Advance SPAM Filter acts as a gatekeeper through which malicious emails and SPAM must pass before they even get to Office 365’s native defenses.
XSolutions’ Advanced SPAM Protection:
- Examines hundreds of thousands of attributes in every email
- Scans every email for viruses, malware, malicious content, phishing, spoofing, etc.
- Automatically adapts as new threats appear
- Is part of XSolutions’ Cloud Data Protection solution, applying the Defense-in-Depth strategy to keep you safe while using the world’s most popular cloud application
If you agree that Office 365 is one of the essential cloud applications in use by your business today and you have a strong desire to protect the data it contains, then click the button below and schedule a FREE consultation. We’ll discuss how we can keep your Office 365 safe and secure.
To Learn more, visit:
XSolutions Cloud Data Protection
Cloud Data Protection – Office 365 Security
Cloud Data Protection – Office 365 Backup