
Malware Evolves To Dangerous Levels

Malware Evolves To Dangerous Levels

Hackers have evolved. Now that users are wary of opening attachments in emails, they've come up with new ways of attacking us.

Security Alert! Locky Reemerges—Dangerous As Ever

Most of us breathed a sigh of relief thinking that the notorious…

35 Common Sense Actions To Increase Home And Office Security

Here you go! Your action plan on a silver platter. Follow these suggestions to keep yourself safe from cybercriminals.

A Disaster Averted—Our Battle With Cryptolocker

Introduction Recently, we received a call from a client reporting…
Red Ransomware Banner

CryptoWall 4.0 makes Its Debut—More Dangerous Than Ever

Just when you thought you survived CryptoWall 3.0, the bad guys supped it up and created CryptoWall 4.0, and it is as dangerous as ever!
writing notes

Security Alert: Bank Info Stealing SPAM Email Campaign Underway

Your bank accounts are under siege whether you know it or not. A new email campaign is underway designed to separate you from your money.

Watch Out For Tech Support Scams!

We've all heard about tech support scams from cyber-criminals…

Android Malware Disguised As Security Apps

Every day, I review security announcements on the internet, and…

Is Anti-Virus Software Necessary?

This question seems to come up every so often, usually from people…