35 Common Sense Actions To Increase Home And Office Security
Security isn’t all that complicated. There are many things you can do to stay safe. Below are 35 actions you can take to protect yourself at home and in the office. Implement as many as you can.
- Use Strong, complex Passwords
- Businesses should have a written, enforceable Password Security Policy in place
- Use a password for your smartphone and set the screen timeout lock for the shortest possible time
- Encrypt your phone in case it is ever lost or stolen
- Never use a password more than once or for more than one application
- Don’t respond to requests for login info no matter how real the email looks or phone call sounds
- Use two-factor authentication whenever available as an option
- Never set your browser to remember logon information
- Use a Password Manager to keep track of all your passwords
- Don’t click on links in emails sent from people you don’t know
- Enable remote tracking and wiping on your mobile devices
- Keep all Operating Systems (OS) and third party applications up-to-date
- Beware of Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUAs) when installing new programs
- Download programs from official vendor sites and App Stores and avoid 3rd party download sites
- Be conscious of the permissions you’re granting apps and get rid of those that are suspect
- Install anti-virus protection on all computers and mobile devices
- Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity when not in use to stop remote hacks by cyber-thieves
- Never use public Wi-Fi for Financial transactions or for sending confidential information
- Review your privacy settings on Social Media accounts since they can change without notice
- Never disclose confidential information via email or on any site that doesn’t start with https
- Limit personal information that you disclose on Social Media sites
- Businesses should use a Hybrid-cloud Business Continuity solution not just data backup systems
- All businesses should have a written, comprehensive and tested Backup/Disaster Plan in place
- Never click on a short URL without first checking it out on a trusted Short URL Expander site
- Review financial statements frequently to make sure all activity is legitimate
- Secure and isolate one workstation to conduct all financial activities and NEVER use it to surf the net
- Use a free email account to conduct online activities, saving your main email for official purposes
- Lock sensitive files behind password protected folders on your server or workstation
- Run Web Application Scans to highlight and fix vulnerabilities in company websites
- Never use debit cards online, that if accessed by hackers, can clean out your bank account
- Set up automated banking alerts for immediate notification of suspicious account activity
- Make sure all hard drives are securely wiped or destroyed before trashing them
- Securely wipe all leased copier hard drives before returning them to your vendor
- Destroy all paper with confidential or identifying information using a micro-cut shredder
- Immediately institute and enforce a Clean Desk Policy in your office
Joseph Imperato Sr. is the Managing Partner for XSolutions Consulting Services, a Managed Services Provider (MSP) delivering Computer Support, Business Continuity, Cloud Services, and IT Consulting to New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut businesses. Call us at (845) 362-9675 and see how we can help your company.