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Article Roundup – 10/16/14

Reader smallXSolutions scours the web bringing you articles on important Technology and Business Topics. Our sincere thanks to the publications and authors for sharing their knowledge. We hope you enjoy and profit from the writings of these expert authors.

XSolutions’ Feature Article:

5 Reasons To Go To The Cloud, 3 Reasons Not To, And An Alternative



Are You an Ambivert? What It Means for You at Work

How Seamless Email Turns Ecommerce Prospects into Buyers

Is Your Brand’s Facebook Marketing Irrelevant?

9 Revealing Inbound Marketing Insights From the U.K. [SlideShare]

Email Data Hygiene: When you know it’s time to break up

4 Tips For Promoting Your Podcast

Teens Embrace Voice Search, Many Adults Feel “Like Geeks” Using It

Top Holiday Social Media Trends for 2014 [Infographic]

Twitter’s Best Sports League

Want to Increase Your Blog’s Conversion Rates by 87%? Try Focusing on Keywords

3rd-Party Campaign Management Platforms: A Secret To Search Ads Success


Medical Device Security Benchmarks Emerging

POODLE exploits SSL 3.0 fallback

The “Sandworm” malware – what you need to know

Microsoft, Adobe Push Critical Security Fixes

FBI warns of cyberattacks linked to China

Report examines cloud-based security market drivers, concerns

Who’s Watching Your WebEx?

HTTPA: New tech transforms transparency into privacy

Dropbox passwords leaked, third-party services blamed

Shellshock used to amass botnet and execute phishing campaign

Malware Based Credit Card Breach at Kmart

‘Hurricane Panda’ hackers used Microsoft zero-day, CrowdStrike says

12 Tips for Responding to Rising Healthcare IT Security Threats

How To:

How to take a screenshot on your Android phone

Easy-to-read file folder labels for trial exhibits using Mail Merge

When to buy a flash drive, an external hard drive, or an external SSD


XSolutions is a Managed Services Provider (MSP) and provides 24/7/365 remote monitoring, scheduled workstation and server maintenance, Help Desk Services, Cloud & Hosted Services, Backup/Disaster Recovery, and Software Development. Call us at (845) 362-9675 and see how we can help your company.