
The Top 3 Blunders When Moving Your Office And How To Avoid Them

Carrying ComputerMoving is one of the most stressful activities a business can go through. But, it doesn’t have to be if you learn how to avoid these 3 budget-busting blunders:

Blunder #1 — Asking Your Employees To Move Their Own Computer Equipment

Asking your staff to disconnect, move and reconnect computers, phones, etc. will frustrate them and you’ll only end up with a mess of non-working equipment, lost cables, and damaged workstations.

Having movers do the job can also make matters worse. They’re great at moving furniture, but a network is a lot more complicated. Hire an IT professional to pack and move your network. You’ll save money by avoiding damaged equipment and your network will be up and running in a short period of time.

Blunder #2 — Hiring The Cheapest IT Firm To Move Your Equipment

Not a good move! The old adage, “You get what you pay for” is true here. Make sure you see references from other clients, proof of insurance, and a professional, organized approach to making the move. Good IT firms will insist on visiting your current and new locations and conduct a detailed site survey. If they skip this step, don’t hire them! That’s why they were the cheapest — they don’t know what they’re doing.

Blunder #3 — Not Coordinating The Move In Advance With Your Phone, Internet And Cable Vendors

Office moves quickly turn into nightmares for lack of proper advanced planning and coordination with voice, data and electrical service providers. Make sure outlets, internet connections, phone lines, etc. are placed according to your new office floor plan and  not where the previous tenant had them located to avoid expensive last minute changes and emergency installations.

To coordinate all of these services effectively, give your vendors at least a 6 week notice. Leave nothing to chance. If you are building a new office, make sure YOU direct how many power outlets, network, and phone connections you’ll need and where they will go. Each employee will require a number of connections for various equipment, so make sure your floor plan reflects this.

If you follow this advice, your move will be less stressful and you can concentrate on the important stuff like moving in quickly and getting your office up and running so you can support your customers and resume business as usual.

Planning on moving your office and need advice and help on moving your network to its new home? Give us a call at (845) 362-9675 or email us for a free consultation. And remember … to heed the advice above for a stress free move!


XSolutions is a Managed Services Provider (MSP) and provides 24/7/365 remote monitoring, scheduled workstation and server maintenance, Help Desk Services, Cloud & Hosted Services, Backup/Disaster Recovery, and Software Development. Call us at (845) 362-9675 and see how we can help your company.