Female professional using virtual assistant at desk

Security In A Connected World


Children today grow up in an “always-connected” world. They don’t know anything different. So you’ll see older adults asking younger family members how to use today’s devices.

But does the younger generation understand the technology they’re using? Some do—of course. But, most people using technology don’t know what is happening “under the hood.” Instead, they seem to accept what they’re told about a digital product, program, or service.

We don’t need to become programmers. But we do need to be curious about the technology we’re using. Moreover, we must ensure it is doing what it is supposed to—and nothing more.

Wi-Fi—The Great Liberator—And Hacker Highway

Wi-Fi is a beautiful technology. Since its creation, we are no longer bound by the length of our data cable. We can connect anywhere there is a signal—but should we?

Wi-Fi is in our homes. In public places, like restaurants and airports. Even on airplanes. Wi-Fi signals are all around us. But public Wi-Fi is not safe—regardless of what you believe.

Wi-Fi snooping and malware are risks when using public Wi-Fi. Criminals can access the network, steal data, track activity, and spread malware. Whenever using public Wi-Fi, use a VPN, and avoid accessing personal information.

Home Wi-Fi is safer, but only if you take precautions:

  • Make sure your router is updated with encryption activated
  • Change the default name on your router
  • Turn off network name broadcasting to increase privacy
  • Always use the latest security protocol
  • Replace outdated routers
  • Use a separate network for house guests
  • Make sure you have a strong firewall

Smart Devices—Convenience With Risk

Smart devices bring convenience. But, unfortunately, with convenience comes risk. So it is crucial to know how to keep them secure. We’re talking mainly about smartwatches, home assistants, and security cameras.

When using smart devices, take these steps:

  • Disable microphones, cameras, and location on your phones and smartwatches when not in use
  • Enable security settings on all devices
  • Enable encryption on your Wi-Fi network, especially when using security cameras
  • Immediately change default passwords, using strong and unique combinations
  • Enable multi-factor authentication wherever possible
  • Create and use a secondary Wi-Fi network for your smart devices
  • Update the operating systems on all smart devices
  • Turn devices off when not in use


Always remember that many devices are not set up with security measures enabled. For that matter, most have inadequate security. So before purchasing, do your research.

Manufacturers want to sell their products. They’re not very concerned with anything that increases costs—like security. So, in the end, it is your responsibility to protect yourself.

Stay safe.

XSolutions is an IT Services Provider serving New York (NY), New Jersey (NJ), and Connecticut (CT). We provide Managed IT Services | Managed IT Security | Backup & Disaster Recovery| Cloud Data Protection | Security Awareness Training. Call (845) 362-9675 for a free consultation.