XSolutions Featured In Groundbreaking Book, “The Essence of Lean” by David Hinds
Dr. David Hinds: educator, business executive and entrepreneur with over 30 years of business experience has written a groundbreaking book that fully explains what Lean is and shows the reader how to take advantage of this superior form of management.
There have been many books on Lean but most are geared toward the manufacturing sector where it has its roots. While most of them theorize that Lean can be used in other industries, very few authors were able to create a work that proved it—until David Hinds.
Here at XSolutions, we have been long-time beta testers of the Lean 7-step method and we are very grateful to Dr. Hinds for allowing us to be part of his project by featuring our Kaizen event in his book. Chapter 12 details XSolutions’ Kaizen journey as we applied the 7-Step Lean process improvement method to our support ticket handling process.
The 7-Step Lean method has literally transformed our business—allowing us to think more deeply about our customers, their needs and what they really want. The core of all business.
In The Essence of Lean, Dr. Hinds shows that its principles can be practiced by large, small and medium-size companies in any industry. It is particularly effective in dynamic service environments.
My advice: buy a copy for yourself and every employee and use the methods outlined in The Essence of Lean to transform your business and align your company’s culture to the values of accountability, integrity, respectfulness, and trustfulness. If you do, this book will become an integral part of your business management system. It did for us; The Essence of Lean is our management bible—it will be for your company too.
XSolutions is an Elite Partner of Datto, the world leader in Hybrid-Cloud Business Continuity solutions whose systems protect 180+ Petabytes of data with over 700 employees around the globe. Call (845) 362-9675 and lets discuss your specific needs.