XSolutions’ Article Roundup: 04.17.2019
Here are a few articles mined from the security blogs we monitor that contain information you should be aware of. We sincerely thank the authors for sharing their expertise with us.
‘Land Lordz’ Service Powers Airbnb Scams
BEWARE! Scammers are using this tool to create and advertise fake Airbnb websites. Underground basic packages start at $550 for wannabe criminals. Those that respond to scam advertisements are directed to a fake Airbnb site which forwards requests to the real site while recording login information.
Hackers could read users’ Outlook, Hotmail, and MSN email via compromised Microsoft support account
One of Microsoft’s support agent had their username and password stolen, which allowed hackers to access information stored within users’ email accounts.
[VIDEO] What you need to know about Backup and Continuity
Do you know why data backup is not enough? This video is less than 60 seconds but will show you why data backup does not ensure Business Continuity. Don’t operate under a false sense of security.
You think you’re safe because you don’t use Internet Explorer? Think again. A researcher found that users who open a boobytrapped .MHT file (default format Internet Explorer uses to save webpages) locally can share information with remote attackers.
Cybercrime is increasing and more costly for organizations
CIOs need to focus on people-based attacks and use intelligent tools to limit data loss and business shutdowns. Attacks are getting more malicious, now intent on causing permanent damage.
Compiled by XSolutions―an Elite Partner of Datto, the world leader in Hybrid-Cloud Business Continuity solutions whose systems protect 460+ Petabytes of data with over 1400+ employees and 9 offices around the globe. Call (845) 362-9675 and let us introduce you to the ultimate defense against data loss—whatever the cause. Backup & Disaster Recovery | Business Continuity | Data Risk Assessment