How To Protect Your Company From Data Loss
Data loss can happen at anytime—suddenly and without warning. If you cannot recover quickly, you can literally be put out of business as your clients go to your better-prepared competitors. That is why businesses, of all sizes, must think beyond just backing up data and embrace Business Continuity as a central business objective.
On the Slideshare below, select the bottom presentation. It is short, only 12 slides, and gives a few startling statistics, discusses the different types of backups with good and bad points of each, and gives you the information you need to make a sound decision for your individual circumstances.
XSolutions is an Elite Partner of Datto, the world leader in Hybrid-Cloud Business Continuity solutions whose systems protect 180+ Petabytes of data with over 700 employees around the globe. Call (845) 362-9675 and lets discuss your specific needs