12 Steps To Survive In The New Normal
COVID-19 hit the world hard. People and companies are trying to process how life will be in the “New Normal.” Businesses are scrambling to reopen and salvage the rest of 2020. Many companies won’t make it, despite Government programs. It’s a mess.
Other Challenges Await!
The world may have stopped for a few months, but time marches on and waits for no one. In addition to COVID-19, other challenges are rearing their ugly heads that businesses must deal with:
- Online attacks are increasing. Phishing, spear-phishing, ransomware, and social engineering are sharply rising.
- The 2020 Hurricane Season began on June 1st. We’ve already been slammed by hurricanes Arthur, Bertha, Dolly, and Cristobal. Experts predict a very active 2020 season.
- Fire, floods and other weather-related disasters are wreaking havoc worldwide.
- Recent tragedies sparked social unrest in the United States. Theft and destruction of many businesses resulted. Some may never return.
- Businesses are being held more accountable. Lawsuits are mounting, and governments are imposing stricter regulations.
The New Normal Requires Resilience To Survive
Management must evaluate the risks and create solutions. Here are a few:
- Update your written Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP). If you don’t have one—you need one—now!
- Move parts of your IT to the Cloud. If you still host your email system onsite, convert to Office 365 quickly. Email is an unneeded onsite burden. Convert critical onsite applications to their Cloud versions.
- Add employee home networks into your IT Plan. Home networks must be secure in case employees are forced to work-from-home again. Don’t get caught off guard.
- Harden your company’s network. Update firewalls and install reliable antivirus programs. Also, train your employees. People are the weakest link in any security program.
- Embrace the Remote Workforce – it’s here to stay. The Pandemic started the exodus to work-from-home. Future outbreaks will require remote working. Don’t fight it—make sure your business is better prepared for the next time. Make it a part of your permanent business structure.
- Update HR policies. Make sure they include Federal/State mandated pandemic guidelines, etc. Litigation is distracting, time-consuming, and costly. If needed, get expert help.
- Review your business insurance. Most business interruption insurance doesn’t cover pandemics. Speak to your broker and see what can be done. Review your coverage every year.
- Increase your cash reserves. As COVID-19 proved, Government programs don’t help every business. Without a financial cushion, the next shutdown could be the end. Look into loan programs and credit lines BEFORE you need them.
- Monitor Local, State, and Federal changes. Governments are passing stricter privacy, and consumer protection laws with safe workplace regs added to the mix. Compliance is vital.
- Use a Managed IT Service Provider (MSP). If you do not have an in-house IT department, use an MSP. They’ll keep your network up, maintain systems, and provide help desk services. A good MSP is worth their weight in gold—don’t go it alone!
- Install a Business Continuity Disaster Recovery (BCDR) system. Data backup alone is not enough. BCDR backs up your data and allows you to recover quickly. Don’t operate without one.
- Include the Cloud in your backup strategy. Microsoft, Google, Salesforce, etc. do not provide point-in-time backups of your data. Most businesses would be devastated if they suddenly lost all of their Cloud data. Don’t be one of them, back it up!
Think Differently
As managers, you need to stay at least one step ahead. Make sure that you and your employees can accomplish the majority of tasks virtually.
Use the Cloud to lighten onsite infrastructures and enjoy the built-in resiliency that comes along with it.
And…always make sure you have a Business Continuity Disaster Recovery (BCDR) system in place so you can get back up and running quickly should disaster strike.
Contact us if you need help: call (845) 362-9675 or email [email protected].
XSolutions is an Elite Partner of Datto, the world leader in Hybrid-Cloud Business Continuity solutions whose systems protect 460+ Petabytes of data with over 1400+ employees and 9 offices around the globe. Call (845) 362-9675 and let us introduce you to the ultimate defense against data loss—whatever the cause. Backup & Disaster Recovery | Business Continuity | Data Risk Assessment